South Padre Island 7-2003

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Hurricane Claudette IMG 1052 IMG 1053 Don't cross Chrystal IMG 1051
IMG 1093 IMG 1092 Sunset on the west side of the island Sunset on the west side of the island IMG 1084
IMG 1071 IMG 1075 IMG 1077 IMG 1087 IMG 1086
IMG 1085 Outside Bahia Mar Outside Bahia Mar Outside Bahia Mar The island looking North
The island looking North Calm Ocean, Sat. Calm Ocean, Sat. Calm Ocean, Sat. Ocean getting choppy, here come Claudette, Sun
Ocean getting choppy, here come Claudette, Sun. IMG 1067 Never mind the guy, look at the waves IMG 1083 Never mind the waves, look at the hottie
IMG 1119 Dirty feet IMG 1118 IMG 1101 Holy Claudette!
Pro Bass, here Dom comes IMG 1113 Playing with the camera settings, b/w Playing with the camera settings, b/w Playing with the camera settings, b/w
Playing with the camera settings, b/w        

Last updated: 7/21/2003 11:24 AM

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